Keeping Your Family Strong--Even Through Divorce

  • Two Tips To Keep Your Ex-Spouse From Killing Your Credit Score

    1 November 2022

    Just as you'll split the assets with your spouse when you divorce, you'll both be given a portion of the marital debts to pay. Unfortunately, it's all too common for one person to stop making the required payments on joint accounts, damaging both parties' credit. To prevent your ex-spouse from hurting your financial health, follow these two tips. Remove Opportunities to Run Up Debt As soon as you and your spouse decide to separate, it's important to close off as many opportunities to add debt onto shared accounts as soon as possible.

  • Filing An Uncontested Divorce? 4 Tips To Help You File It Successfully

    2 August 2022

    If you plan to divorce, you should prioritize the easiest and simplest divorce option. In this case, uncontested divorce could be your most appropriate option. Here, you agree to all terms and sign the relevant documents before proceeding to court to legalize the process. But even if it's a friendlier option, you shouldn't handle it lightly. Instead, you should consider all its pertinent aspects to avoid problems later. So if you are filing an uncontested divorce, here are four tips to help you do it successfully.

  • 3 Issues That Could Complicate Your Divorce

    3 May 2022

    Your marital separation can be relatively simple if you and your partner solve the contentious issues amicably. However, if one of you seems bitter at the other, the divorce can be complicated. When this is the case, you might require legal support. Since a lawyer is proficient in divorce issues, they'll advise you richly on what to do when you encounter a highly contested separation. This article looks at situations your lawyer will help you maneuver.

  • Six Problems You Can Avoid By Hiring A Child Support Attorney

    6 December 2021

    If you are a divorced parent who is expected to make child support payments, it's in your best interests to hire a child support attorney to represent you. The following are six problems you can avoid by hiring a child support attorney.  Stress due to uncertainties regarding your child support debt Child support law can be complicated. It's difficult to represent yourself well in a child support case if you don't hire a lawyer to provide representation.

  • Family Law: What Are The Major Benefits Of Hiring A Divorce Lawyer?

    17 September 2021

    It is normal to feel baffled when faced with a divorce, which affects every decision you make. You might even isolate yourself to avoid pity or judgment from close friends and family. That said, you still have to face some serious decisions without being emotional about everything. Now more than ever, you need a support system around you and a family lawyer to walk you through the complex process. It is the only sure way to avoid poor decisions and life-long consequences.

  • Tips For Dealing With A Narcissist In Family Mediation

    11 June 2021

    Are you about to start the family mediation process during a divorce but you fear it will be difficult because you will be dealing with your spouse who is a narcissist? If so, it will help to know some tips to make it through mediation and still deal with their attitude.  Generate Leverage Against Them It is possible to settle a case in mediation with someone that is a narcissist, even if it feels like it is going to be impossible.

  • Different Felonies That You Should Hire A Lawyer For

    9 March 2021

    Crimes are not equal, and neither are the punishments. Felonies are more severe than misdemeanors, infractions, and other smaller crimes. However, there are some felonies that the law considers more grievous than others, and committing them might lead to more severe legal consequences.  When you face a felony charge, you should consider hiring a felony lawyer. The benefits of hiring felony attorneys are many. They have a deep understanding of the law, enabling them to build a strong defense to ensure a speedy and successful case.