Keeping Your Family Strong--Even Through Divorce

  • Wasteful Dissipation: What You Need To Know

    19 October 2020

    For many couples, one of the most contentious subjects is money. If you choose to get a divorce and money was a major sticking point for that decision, bad money management can make the divorce process increasingly more difficult. When one spouse spends large amounts of money that is part of the marital assets, it can cause a problem. In some states, this is known as wasteful dissipation, and the court can take action in serious cases.

  • How to Reduce Your Divorce Costs

    17 June 2020

    Are you worried about the cost of your divorce will be higher than you thought? Since divorce lawyers typically charge by the hour, you do have some control over how much your legal costs will be. Here are a few tips for cutting back on your legal costs.  1. Avoid Going to Trial A divorce case is going to get much more expensive if you have to go to trial to decide on a certain issue.