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How A Personal Injury Attorney Can Help When You Fall Ill From Contaminated Food

by Kristen Wright

Food contamination can lead to serious illnesses and even death. If you've been ill due to contaminated canned food, you may wonder if there is any legal recourse to punish those responsible. The answer is yes, and consulting with a personal injury attorney can help determine the best course of action for your situation. Here are several ways an attorney can help.

1. Assessing Your Claim

An experienced personal injury lawyer knows the laws surrounding food contamination cases. They can review your case and advise you on the best course of action for seeking legal recourse against the responsible parties.

They will also provide honest feedback about the likelihood of success in your case. Fighting a legal battle with a large food company takes a lot of resources, and your lawyer will lay out the realistic picture of this legal action.

2. Investigating Your Case

Your attorney will be able to investigate your case to determine who was at fault and if you have a valid claim. The attorney will look into the food company's practices, safety protocols, records, and more to build your case.

3. Tracking Down Evidence

Your personal injury attorney will also be able to track down evidence that supports your claim, such as medical records, toxicology reports, product recall notices, etc.

This evidence is important as it helps prove that the contamination was indeed caused by the canned food in question and not something else entirely.

4. Negotiating with Insurance Companies

If insurance companies are involved in your case (either yours or the company's), then it is wise to have an experienced lawyer on your side who knows how to negotiate with them to get the settlement amount you deserve for your medical costs, physical suffering, and lost income.

An experienced lawyer can also help ensure that all paperwork is properly filled out so that no detail or important information gets overlooked or omitted during negotiations.

5. Taking Your Case to Court

If necessary, a personal injury attorney can take your case to court if there is no other resolution available outside of litigation. An experienced attorney will know how best to present your case in court so that you get the justice you deserve for becoming ill from contaminated canned food.

The bottom line is that consulting legal counsel when it comes to becoming ill from contaminated canned food can make all the difference between getting justice for yourself and struggling alone without any legal recourse whatsoever. Don't let yourself suffer alone; consult a personal injury lawyer today to fight for justice on your behalf. 

Contact a personal injury attorney to learn more.
